Wilmington College Local Society
Wilmington College
Wilmington, Ohio
Members of this society consider issues of science and religion from a Quaker perspective of inquiry. The group addresses particularly the scientific specialties of Wilmington College in agriculture, ecology and biology. Aiming to develop both on campus and community initiatives, membership invites participation from area Quaker meetings and other faith-based organizations. The work aims to develop of tools and techniques for helping individuals determine the best actions for faith-informed sustainability. The society hosts two major public meetings per semester to discuss significant issues at the intersection of science, Quaker belief, and sustainability (such as: What does it mean to have a Friends approach to science?). The group invites leaders and experts in various scientific fields to share insights into the contemporary engagement of faith and science. They will also host an annual retreat for members and other groups in the LSI network focused on issues of science, faith and sustainability to come together to assess the results of their work and make plans for future collaborative work. Wilmington College provides matching funds.