Another Creationist Exhibit Plans Northern Kentucky Home

Another Creationist Exhibit Plans Northern Kentucky Home

If the dream of a New Jersey group comes to life, another creationist attraction will locate in Northern Kentucky. Founders of the Creation Science Hall of Fame, which now exists only as a website, would like to build a brick-and mortar structure along Interstate 75. The group will consider vacant land and the renovation of an existing site.

The Creation Science Hall of Fame was developed as a website in 2009 and is devoted to sharing the beliefs of creationism. It includes a directory of living and deceased inductees and a brief profile of each. The section dedicated to deceased inductees begins with the Renaissance period. The list includes Leonardo da Vinci, Sir Isaac Newton, Samuel F.B. Morse, Louis Pasteur and George Washington Carver. Living inductees include Ken Ham, founder of Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum. The museum will focus on biographical exhibits featuring individuals rather than historical artifacts.