Bohemian Gravity
Delighted to share this video of String Theory set to Bohemian Rapsody by A Capella Science. This video and...
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The Science of Big Science
Science is getting bigger. Just about every scientific discipline — astronomy, conservation, drug development, genetics, neuroscience, physics — is...
Miraculous Conception: Are Planets Forming Without Stars?
One of the most remarkable discoveries about exoplanets—planets that exist outside of our solar system—is that some of them...
Parallel Worlds
Andy Murray’s unexpectedly strong start against Roger Federer in the Wimbledon 2012 final put the Daily Telegraph columnist Matthew...
Enough Already With This ‘Theory Of Everything’
Last week I wrote about some of the themes from my book A Tear at the Edge of Creation....
Four Reasons You Shouldn’t Exist
You’re almost unfathomably lucky to exist, in almost every conceivable way. Don’t take it the wrong way. You, me,...
Are We Martians After All?
If you looked in a mirror this morning, you may have seen a descendant of creatures from Mars. That...
Researchers Grow 3-D Human Brain Tissues
Scientists at the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology in Vienna, Austria, have grown three-dimensional human brain tissues from stem cells....
The Proof in the Quantum Pudding
In early May, news reports gushed that a quantum computation device had for the first time outperformed classical computers,...
The Truth is No Stranger Than Fiction When it Comes to Robots
Robots represent the cutting edge in science. For decades we have been promised a bright future in which these...