More Is Different: Nature’s Unruly Complexity
According to reductionism, every system, no matter how complex, can be understood in terms of the behavior of its...
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Economic Cosmology and the Evolutionary Challenge
Our paper discusses three very old “cosmologies” in Western thought, how these play out in economic theory, and how...
Signs of a Stranger, Deeper Side to Nature’s Building Blocks
According to modern quantum theory, energy fields permeate the universe, and flurries of energy in these fields, called “particles”...
From the Mouths of Babes and Birds
Babies learn to speak months after they begin to understand language. As they are learning to talk, they babble,...
Portrait of the Artist as a Caveman
In a letter to the botanist Asa Gray written in 1860, a year after the publication of On the...
The Man Who Knew Moses But Not His Own Son
“Nissim”, a 64 year old man, knows that the word for the eldest son in a family is the...
Cosmic Awe
As many of you know, I’m fortunate enough to live in a city that values science and scientific knowledge...
Want to Learn How to Think? Read Fiction
Are you uncomfortable with ambiguity? It’s a common condition, but a highly problematic one. The compulsion to quell that...