‘Female’ Chromosome May Play Unexpected Role in Male Biology
Behind every great man, the saying goes, there’s a great woman. And behind every sperm, there may be an...
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The Dark Side Of The Love Hormone Oxytocin
Oxytocin, the feel-good bonding hormone released by physical contact with another person, orgasm and childbirth (potentially encouraging monogamy), might...
Buckminster Fuller Institute’s “Dymax Redux”
Seventy years after its invention, the Buckminster Fuller Institute has organized a competition challenging graphic designers, visual artists, and...
Changing View on Viruses: Not So Small After All
There was a time not that long ago when it was easy to tell the difference between viruses and...
Cosmologist claims Universe may not be expanding
It started with a bang, and has been expanding ever since. For nearly a century, this has been the...
Placebo Effects: Psychology’s Fundamental Flaw? Why active controls are not enough
A new paper published in Perspectives in Psychological Science (open access) suggests there is “a fundamental design flaw that...
The Surprising Origins of Life’s Complexity
Charles Darwin was not yet 30 when he got the basic idea for the theory of evolution. But it...
Gruber Foundation Announces 2013 Cosmology Prize Recipients
The Gruber Foundation, a Type 1 supporting organization operated and supervised by Yale University, has announced the recipients of...
What is epigenetics?
As plenty of frustrated middle-aged readers will know, exercise does not always lead to a drop in waist size....