Area Ciencia-Religion del Centro Pignatelli

Area Ciencia-Religion del Centro Pignatelli

Centro Pignatelli

This society formally brings together university and high school teachers, along with professionals in public and semi-independent centers, who have been discussing and collaborating on themes of science and faith from a variety of perspectives. The Center, in conjunction with other societies in the Iberian network, works to create and disseminate science and religion materials through planned discussions, lectures, and public activities. The group also supports the creation of a library of bibliographic and documentary material at the Center (which also hosts an award-winning Peace Initiative and library), open to the interested public. Focusing on “dialogue at the service of a more human world,” and to ensure social impact, the effort begins with contemporary themes in technology, ethics, and peace accessible to the community at large. The group promotes a deeper understanding of science and faith within a community only recently awakened to the possibilities and value of the dialogue. Various activities include a comprehensive focus on the works of Teilhard de Chardin, Alexander Fleming, and Albert Einstein, commemorating the occasion of each thinker’s passing and highlighting their considerations of science, faith and the intersection of science and religion. Scientists from departments of microbiology and theoretical physics from the University of Zaragosa are called upon to lend their expertise to the programs. Further themes and topics will be identified and explored as the effort and group evolves. Centro Pignatelli provides matching funds.