Centre for Religion and the Biosciences
University College Chester Department of Theology and Religious Studies Chester, Cheshire The Centre for Religion and the Biosciences (CRB)...
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East-Ukrainian Center of Science and Religion
“Wholeness” Association Karazin Kharkiv National University Patriarch Mstyslav College Kharkiv In the words of the Society Chair, “the main...
Bursa Local Society Initiative
University of Uludag Bursa The Bursa Local Society Initiative is a multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural educational group bringing together theologians,...
Seville Local Group
Centro Pedro Arrupe de Sevilla Seville The Seville Local Group provides a “space for dialogue and a meeting point...
Cátedra Pedro Poveda LSI
Cátedra Pedro PovedaPontifical University of Salamanca-Institución Teresiana Madrid This society, whose core group consists predominantly of women scholars and...
Area Ciencia-Religion del Centro Pignatelli
Centro Pignatelli Zaragosa This society formally brings together university and high school teachers, along with professionals in public and...
Grupo Deusto de Ética y Tecnología (GDET) Deusto Ethics and Technology Group
Universidad de Deusto Bilbao A core planning group of professors in engineering, theology, philosophy, ethics, psychology, law, cultural anthropology,...
Sociedad Española de Biología Evolutiva (SESBE)/Spanish Society of Biology and Evolution
Facultad de Teologia de Granada and Campus Universitario de Cartuja Granada With the goal of founding a group of...
Science, Culture and Theology Group
Asociación Española Ciencia y Cultura (AECyC) Madrid This group consists of a delegation of academicians from a range of...
Fundación Xavier Zubiri LSI
Fundación Xavier Zubiri Madrid This society consolidates and brings together the efforts an elite group of researchers and scholars...