Cátedra Pedro Poveda LSI

Cátedra Pedro Poveda LSI

Cátedra Pedro Poveda
Pontifical University of Salamanca-Institución Teresiana

This society, whose core group consists predominantly of women scholars and intellectuals, promotes the consideration of Pedro Poveda’s ideas on dialogue between science, faith, education, and culture in a contemporary context by convening a group of professors and students from universities and research centers of Spain. This dialogue group, made up of scholars in theology, philology, philosophy, biology, information science, law, mathematics, and ethics, is currently addressing the theme of humanism and technical-scientific society. The center also provides an annual weeklong course, publications, lectures, studies and research through in-depth exploration of religious reality, contemporary society, and science and faith in relation to the work of Pedro Poveda. All activities, hosted by the School of Theology of the Pontifical University of Salamanca, are open for public participation and close with a widely publicized public lecture. Themes of earlier conferences included: “Questions emerging in the faith-culture dialogue;” “Cultural heritage of the Church;” and, “In praise of diversity: an interdisciplinary approach to migration.” Through the formation of the LSI society working group, conferences directly address themes at the intersection of science and faith. Core planning members gather monthly, with experts in various fields as invited as needed, for dialogue and to plan future events. The center promotes publications and maintains an extensive library. Publicity for the publications will be presented on a website and in other outlets. Matching funds are provided by the Cátedra Pedro Poveda.