East-Ukrainian Center of Science and Religion

East-Ukrainian Center of Science and Religion

“Wholeness” Association
Karazin Kharkiv National University
Patriarch Mstyslav College

In the words of the Society Chair, “the main task of this program is to create a real society of a permanent work that should unite philosophers and scientists (physicists, biologists, cosmologists and others) with a purpose of active discussion and attempts at solving numerous common, interdisciplinary, and ‘parallel’ problems in two important spheres of human experience: science and religion.” Brought together in reading groups, research, seminars, colloquiums, conferences, and offering a website and publication opportunities, this group directs their efforts at fostering the legitimacy and importance of the dialogue within the many institutions represented by its expanding membership. The broader goal of the society is that of sharing their experiences with the Ukrainian Ministry of Education to encourage the integration of science-faith discussion into the modern educational curriculum to help awaken the “public consciousness” to the importance of the interrelations between science and religion. Addressing this broader goal, specific seminars for post-graduate and undergraduate students are offered, as well as a library of resources for use in education. Topics explored cover a broad range: quantum probability, nature and rationality, scientific and religious truths, and historic and contemporary science and religion overviews. Matching funds are provided from several sources, including Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv National University of Electronics, Kharkiv Applied Physics Institute of the Ukrainian National Academy of Science and the Monocrystal Institute of the Ukrainian National Academy of Science.