Association for the Dialogue Between Science and Theology, Romania (ADSTR)

Association for the Dialogue Between Science and Theology, Romania (ADSTR)

Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy

In partnership with over ten educational and religious institutions in the region, this society brings together faculty, students and clergy to organize discussion groups and public conferences. Members include priests, professional scientists, and professors from fields including physics, astronomy, law, sociology, philosophy, mathematics, and Orthodox theology. The group meets twice monthly for reading and discussion to review topics such as the nature of time; evolution; physics and cosmology; faith of scientists; economics and faith; theories of knowledge; and varied religious perspective on scientific discovery. Bi-monthly public conferences, featuring input from both a scientist and a theologian will seek the participation of students, professionals, and the general public. A journal, The New Representation of the World: Interdisciplinary Studies, further promotes outreach and the dissemination of new perspectives. The society will also actively pursue the creation of new dialogue groups at other institutions throughout Romania and sponsor an international conference, bringing together representatives of multiple Orthodox faiths with members of other religious traditions. Matching funds are provided by the Association for the Dialogue Between Science and Theology, Romania (ADSTR).