Biosciences and Religion Network (BNR)
Instituto Teologico S. Tommaso (ITST)
This society consists of members of university faculties; researchers, philosophers, theologians and scientists from the Institute; members of the Association of Genetic Engineering “Modafarri;” a group of teachers in religion; members of the Italian Society of Bioethics and Sexology; and students from the School of Theology. The program encourages the development of a network to promote a deep, dynamic, and open dialogue to advance the spiritual and religious significance of science and its place in society on a scientific and socially formative level. Themes focus on three fundamental dimensions: scientists’ personality and ability to go deeply into religious dimensions of scientific inquiry and discovery; identifying the richness of religious and spiritual insight into new bioscientific frontiers; and characterization of the methods for constructive dialogue among sciences and religions in order to promote peace. Some of the topics for exploration include religious approaches to science, bioterrorism, genetic engineering, cloning, humility and responsibility, environmental sciences in relation to creation theologies, ways of deep dialogue, reproductive technology, bioethics of food, Christological foundations of bioethics, and the role of science and religion in promoting bio-based economies. Matching funds are provided by the Salesian Institute “S. Tommaso” in Messina.