A Review of A Republic of Mind and Spirit: A Cultural History of American Metaphysical Religion by Catherine L. Albanese, New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008, 640 pp., $22.50.
For most Americans (and for the vast majority of people across the world), religious affiliation plays a significant role...
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Persuasive Interpretations: A Review of Truth and Tension In Science and Religion by V.V. Raman
Varadaraja V. Raman, Truth and Tension in Science and Religion. New Hampshire: Beech River Books, 2009, xi, 399 pp.,...
Buddhism and Postmodernism
Park expertly negotiates the interfaces between the modern and the postmodern, between East and West, between philosophy/religion and ethics,...
The Spiritual Brain without God: Possible? A Review of The Spiritual Brain: A Neuroscientist’s Case for the Existence of the Soul by Mario Beauregard and Denyse O’Leary
Mario Beauregard and Denyse O’Leary, The Spiritual Brain: A Neuroscientist’s Case for the Existence of the Soul. New York:...
Review ofNeil Campbell’sMental Causation: A Nonreductive Approach
Neil Campbell, Mental Causation: A Nonreductive Approach. New York: Peter Lang, 2008. x + 113pp. ISBN 978-1-4331-0374-2 (€ 38.00...
A Review of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Religion
With regard to the perennial problem concerning the mind-brain relationship, Jeeves and Brown provide a fair description of the...
Universalism and Particularism: Judaism in an Age of Science
A review of Norbert M. Samuelson, Jewish Faith and Modern Science: On the Death and Rebirth of Jewish Philosophy...
The Philosophy of Edith Stein
A review of Antonio Calcagno, The Philosophy of Edith Stein, Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 2007 In the introduction to...
Teilhard for Beginners: A Review of Louis Savary’s The Divine Milieu Explained
Louis M. Savary, Teilhard de Chardin: The Divine Milieu Explained: A Spirituality for the 21st Century. Paulist Press, 2007....
The Fear and Trembling of a Philosopher
A Review of C. Stephen Evans, Kierkegaard on Faith and the Self: Collected Essays, Baylor University Press, 2006. We...