Causality in Science, Philosophy and Theology (CSPT) Monte Cassino Research Group SophiaEuropa
Department of Philosophy and Communication
University of Cassino
The Monte Cassino Group is a research centre in history, theory, and philosophy of science that investigates the relationship between science and religion in past and present times. The CSPT society brings together a core membership of scholars of philosophy, theology, history, education, and physics from the University of Cassino, Saint Anselmo Athenaeum, and ‘La Sapienza’ for dialogue, specialized research, public seminars and conferences. Focused on consideration of causality, in both the sciences and theology, the group will reconstruct the main theoretical contributions of physics and biology, introducing philosophical, social, and theological perspectives for reflection. The work will also take special interest to the epistemological, theological, and social aspects of Darwinism on contemporary culture and language; including discoveries in immunology and neurophysiology. A Summer School for Ph.D. students, postdoctoral students, and young researchers will encourage future leaders’ thoughtful contemplation and contributions to science and faith. The group will actively connect with other institutions in SophiaEuropa and other international institutions carrying out similar work to share and deepen their own work through collaboration. Matching funds are provided by the University of Cassino.