Conscience Forum SophiaEuropa

Conscience Forum SophiaEuropa

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Department of Theology and Natural Science
Forschungsstätte der Ev. Studiengemeinschaft (FEST)
(Protestant Institute for Interdisciplinary Research)

The Protestant Institute was established after WWII as the first interdisciplinary research center in Germany to foster dialogue between theology, humanities and the natural sciences. Seeking to expand neuroscientific and philosophical studies of consciousness into a wider interdisciplinary spectrum to include theological reflection, this group unites scholars of physics, philosophy, theology, law, medicine, sociology, education, neurophysiology, and psychology. Employing an established group philosophy, core members convene meetings to consider the scientific, theological, and philosophical aspects of conscience in defining freedom, the formation of human resolve, and the role of conscience in religious authority. The central question for the group is about which characteristics of conscience are central in theology, philosophy, law, and psychology. To achieve as wide a public impact as possible, results of research and discussion will be presented in public forum through conferences, workshop discussions, the FEST-Newsletter, and a comprehensive anthology and bibliography. Works will simultaneously be offered for international participation through the FEST website, and through participation of members at national and international events and contributions to science and religion publications. Plans also include broad networking with other national and international LSI leaders and those thematically linked to the SophiaEuropa project, and other academic groups exploring similar topics. Matching funds are provided by FEST.