DISF Working Group

DISF Working Group

Pontificia Universitá Della Santa Croce

This society consists of a working group of young researchers, graduate students, and scientists, and it arose as a development of the on-going work on Dizionario Interdisciplinare di Scienza e Fede (Interdisciplinary Dictionary of Science and Faith) and the accompanying website www.disf.org. Members are invited to reflect and work together on relevant interdisciplinary topics to perceive the humanistic and spiritual dimensions of science and to increase the scientific learning of those preparing for ministry in the Catholic Church. For both a study group and a documentation group, themes explored include: history of philosophical ideas in science, the role of the great theological and philosophical traditions in answering questions raised by science; scientific and humanistic dimensions of great scientists; the search for unity of knowledge; theoretical and practical approaches to science and faith; autonomy of science and research freedom; ethical dimensions of science; and meaning and content of the discourse on God in the context of contemporary scientific culture. The groups primary activities include bi-monthly study seminars, with a one-hour lecture followed by a two-hour discussion; reading and discussion groups; seminar courses with special public status open to all students and people interested in the subject; a section on the current website outlining proceedings, book reviews, anthology pieces, documentation and research. The website acts as a catalyst for the group, as an outreach tool for new membership, and facilitates collaboration with other members of the LSI network. Matching funds are provided by the Italian Bishops Conference.