Faith and Reason, a possible alliance?

Faith and Reason, a possible alliance?

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Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Babes-Bolyai University

This group combines an association of professors from theology and the social and natural sciences in the engagement of students and faculty members in consideration of matters at the intersection of science and faith. Promoting dialogue between Romanian Orthodox theologians, other Christian confessions and world religions, and scholars in scientific fields the group organizes ten meetings per year. A website presents the group to the general public and encourages interaction between meetings. Other plans include supporting an interactive network of LSI groups in Romania and Europe, developing an international conference, and organizing a summer school in science and religion. Some themes identified for consideration include: modern semiotics; contemporary apologetics; evolution and philosophies of life; and cosmology, theology, relativity and quantum mechanics. The Faculty of Orthodox Theology at Babes-Bolyai University provides matching funds.