The Hevelius Forum for Dialog Between Science and Religion
The Council of Pomeranian District of the Baptist Church
The Hevelius Forum was initiated by a group of academicians, teachers, pastors, and theologians interested in the interface between science and religion. Combining professors from Pomeranian area universities, the Baptist Theological Seminary in Warsaw, local leaders of the Polish branch of InterVarsity – CHSA, active scientists, and pastors of local churches, this interdenominational group meets to conduct studies, engage in dialogue, and to conduct business. In the interest of outreach and increased membership, the Forum organizes open, free, and well-publicized public lectures and conferences featuring respected experts in fields of both science and religion, to “extend the discussions to a more popular level and foster the posture of tolerance.” The core group also hosts collegial meals and seminars for academics and students to promote leadership and innovation in science and faith with interested institutions throughout Poland. An annual national conference invites participants of all programs to come together. The Forum also supports a website, opportunities for publication, a resource library, and a newsletter. The group is actively involved translating contemporary science-faith materials. Members and partners are encouraged to publish works in the broader media and related journals. Some of the subjects considered are global warming, renewable energy and human change, intelligent design theory, stewardship, socio-religious perspectives in the roots of European culture, Big Bang Theory and philosophical implications, concepts of interfaith and interdisciplinary tolerance, the “Anthropic Principle,” and theology and pedagogics. The Council of Pomeranian District of the Baptist Church provides the matching funds for this effort. Additional financial support comes from member contributions and other solicited donations, to ensure long-term growth of the society.