Emanuel Paparella
Emanuel Paparella is the author of Hermeneutics in the Philosophy of G. Vico. He holds a M Phil. and Ph.D. in Italian Humanism from Yale University, has studied Comparative Literature at New York University and has taught at various Universities.
A former Fulbright scholar, Dr. Paparella has directed the Summer Program in Urbino, Italy for the University of Central Florida, and has accomplished two major translations from the Italian: Vitorio Possenti’s Philosophy and Revelation (Ashgate Publishing, London, 2001) and the forthcoming Diego Fabbri’s Jesus on Trial.
Since the year 2000 he has been active in the debate on the European Union while writing, lecturing and teaching Humanities part time at Barry University.
Dr. Paparella lives in Florida with his wife Catherine and his three daughters Cristina, Alessandra, and Francesca.
Recent Essays
- Berlusconi’s Ego-Land
- Impressions of Italy and the European Union in 2009 – Part II.
- Toward a Post-Secular Europe? A Review Essay
- The Elder Pliny and the First Book on Natural History
- Impressions of Italy and the European Union in 2009 – Part I
- Christianity: A Private Affair or Part of the European Identity? – Part III
- Christianity: A Private Affair or Part of the European Identity? – Part II
- Christianity:A Private Affair or Part of the European Identity? – Part I
- Dante’s Vision of a United Europe
- Habermas on the Vision of a Post-Secular Europe – Part II
- Juergen Habermas on the Vision of a Post-Secular Europe – Part I
- Sundry Musings on the New Millennium’s Transatlantic Dialogue – Part III
- Sundry Musings on the New Millennium’s Transatlantic Dialogue – Part II
- Sundry Musings on the New Millennium’s Transatlantic Dialogue – Part I
- Christianity and Europe: Tony Blair’s View at Yale University – Part III
- Christianity and Europe: Tony Blair’s View at Yale University – Part II
- Christianity and Europe: Tony Blair’s View at Yale University – Part I
- The Deconstruction of Eurocentric Art by Two Afrocentric Artists, Part II
- The Deconstruction of Eurocentric Art by Two Afrocentric Artists, Part I
- Europa, Quo Vadis? – Part II
- Europa, Quo Vadis? – Part I
- Heroic Materialism in European Culture – II
- Heroic Materialism in European Culture – Part I
- Western Civilization at the Crossroads – II
- Western Civilization at the Crossroads – I
- The Loss of European Spiritual Identity – III
- The Loss of European Spiritual Identity – II
- The Loss of European Spiritual Identity
- The Return of the Gods and the EU Constitution Transformed into a Treaty
- The EU Constitution: The Cart before the Horse?
- Europeans from Venus, Americans from Beyond the Stars?
- Vaclav Havel’s Conspiracy of Hope for the EU’s Cultural Identity
- The Janus-Face of the European Union
- Medieval Monasticism as Preserver of Western Civilization
- Two Forgotten Communities of the EU Cultural Identity
- Christopher Dawson and The Making of Europe
- New Paradigms of the Idea of Europe
- Klaus Held on Religion, Science and Democracy in European Culture
- Emmanuel Levinas’ Challenge to the Modern European Cultural Identity
- An Imaginary Conversation on Mount Olympus between Poets and Philosophers
- Some Concluding Reflections at the End of the Journey into Vico’s Mind—Part 2
- Some Concluding Reflections at the End of the Journey into Vico’s Mind—Part 1
- Vichian Reflections on Self-Forgetfulness and Dehumanization
- The Paradox of Transcendence and Immanence in Vico’s Concept of Providence
- Scientific Reality and the Complementarity of Vico’s Historicism
- Between Descartes and Nietzsche
- Scientific Truth as Grounded in Faith—Part II
- Scientific Truth as Grounded in Faith—Part 1
- The Immanence of Providence’s Action within Man’s History
- Mytho-Poetic Wisdom as Origins of Self-Knowledge—Part 2
- Mytho-Poetic Wisdom as Origins of Self-knowledge—Part 1
- The Nexus between Language and Vico’s Historicism—Part 2
- The Nexus between Language and Vico’s Historicism—Part 1
- The Encounter with History as Extension of the Self—Part 2
- The Encounter with History as Extension of the Self—Part 1
- Vico’s Hermeneutical “understanding” of our Humanity—Part 3
- A Revolutionary New View of History and Humanity—Part 2
- A Revolutionary New View of History and Humanity—Part 1
- “Man Is His Own History” leads to Self-knowledge — Part III
- “Man Is His Own History” leads to self-knowledge–Part II
- “Man is his own History” leads to self-knowledge—Part 1
- The Journey Continues
- The Journey Begins
- Man’s Freedom/God’s Providence: The Origins of the Historical Consciousness
- An Invitation to the Hermeneutics of the Self
- The Idea of Providence within Vico’s Poetic Science of Humanity
- The Uniqueness of Giambattista Vico’s Poetic Philosophy