Semetsky, Inna

Inna Semetsky


Inna Semetsky is a Research Academic with the Institute of Advanced Study for Humanity, University of Newcastle, Australia. In 2002 she completed her Ph.D. in philosophy of education in Columbia University, New York. In 1999 she received the Kevelson Memorial Award from the Semiotic Society of America. In 2005 she was awarded a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship from Monash University, Australia. Her books モDeleuze, Education and Becomingヤ (2006) and モNomadic Education: Variations on a Theme by Deleuze and Guattariヤ (2008) are published by Sense Publishers (Rotterdam). She wrote five entries for the Encyclopedia of Religious and Spiritual Development (SAGE, 2006). Her chapters are in Spirituality and Ethics in Education: Philosophical, Theological and Radical Perspectives (Sussex Academic Press, 2004); Complexity Science and Philosophy of Education (Wiley, 2008); International Handbook of Education for Spirituality, Care and Wellbeing (Springer, 2009), and other books.

Her articles appeared in such journals as Spirituality and Health International; AXIOMATHES; Cybernetics & Human Knowing; SEMIOTICA; Sophia: International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, Metaphysical Theology and Ethics; Zygon; and others. She is on the Editorial Boards of the journalsEducational Philosophy and Theory,Studies in Philosophy and Education, The European Legacy, and Complicity: an International Journal of Complexity and Education.