Chirila, Ioan

Ioan Chirila


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Ioan Chirila, Ph.D., is currently Dean of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology at the University Babeᄎ-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca; correspondent member of ETRF (Ratisbon Institute, Jerusalem); member of the National Commission for Comparison Church History. He has a Ph.D in theology and Ph.D courses in history. He does research in both fields and is director of the research program (grant) "Bible and multiculturality in Transylvania in the context of European exegesis in the 16th-20th century." He founded five research centers within our University: Bioethics Center (Director), Biblical Studies Center, Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Studies, Center for the Study of Classical and Oriental Languages, Center for Compared Theological and Historical Studies モIoan Lupasヤ, and the Institute of Long-Life Learning for Clergy, Religion Teachers, Social Workers and Promoters of Sacred Art. He is an active member of the Director Council of the Association for the Dialogue between Science and Theology in Romania – ADSTR and leader of the Cluj-Napoca ADSTR Pole. He is twice a grantee of the Templeton Foundation: Reason and Faith ヨ a possible alliance? ヨ an LSI Metanexus Program and Science and Orthodoxy. Research and Education ヨ an ADSTR Research Project financed by Templeton. Dr. Chirila has authored twelve books.