Bicer, Ramazan

Ramazan Bicer


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Ramazan Bicer was born in 1963 in Kayseri, Turkey. He is currently associate professor of Islamic Theology. He graduated from Erciyes University in Islamic and Religious Studies. Following, his MA studies at the Marmara University in Istanbul, as a post-graduate student. He was awarded Ph.D. in 1999 for a religious studies thesis on Islamic Theology. Bicer has written or translated some 50 articles and books on a variety of topics. He has several articles in Turkish, Arabic, French and English. He has delivered various papers and lectures in Spain, Germany, Egypt, Austria, Taiwan, Pakistan and USA. He is on the editorial board of several academic journals in Turkey. His research interests include religious studies, theology, philosophy of religion, philosophy of ethics, New Age Religious Movement and Turkish-Islamic Culture. Bicer currently is an Associate Professor as head of the department of Islamic Theology on Ilahiyat Faculty, Sakarya University.