Robert Delfino
Robert A. Delfino is an assistant professor of philosophy at St. Johnメs University in New York City. He received his Ph.D. from the State University of New York at Buffalo, where he specialized in metaphysics and medieval philosophy. His current research interests include metaphysics, naturalism, the relationship between science and metaphysics, philosophy of science, philosophy of religion, and ethics. He has published articles on Aristotle, medieval philosophy, metaphysics, personal identity, philosophy of science, human rights, and aesthetics, and he has edited three books: Platoメs Cratylus: Argument, Form, and Structure (2005), Understanding Moral Weakness (2006), and What are We to Understand Gracia to Mean?: Realist Challenges to Metaphysical Neutralism (2006). He is the editor of Studies in the History of Western Philosophy (SHWP), a special series within the Value Inquiry Book Series (VIBS), and he maintains the official webpage of the American Maritain Association.ᅠ