Poland Sophia-Warsaw Group of the Philosophy and Fundamentals of Science SophiaEuropa

Poland Sophia-Warsaw Group of the Philosophy and Fundamentals of Science SophiaEuropa

Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences

The purpose of this research society is to explore the humanism of knowledge in nature and the meaning of science for contemporary man in relation to the historical development of humans as cultural beings. The core group of members includes faculty from mathematics and mechanics, physics, philosophy, theology, and religious studies departments of IFTR and Warsaw University of Technology. Open for researchers from other institutions interested in the dialogue between religion and science, leaders expect to establish and deepen transdisciplinary efforts among natural, social, and human sciences in Warsaw and Poland. Initially, the society members will address philosophical presuppositions of science to develop approaches applicable in the analysis of a given branch of science. Using this newly developed language of meaning, the group will move forward to consider the humane aspects of scientific endeavor as an agent for fashioning humankind in a culturally new way through changes in the environment and understanding. The ultimate pursuit of this initiative is the development of a methodology that can be applied to reveal the humanistic significance of science for consumers, practitioners, and creators – for both personal and cultural development. Main research areas include dogmatic and speculative theology; the application of philosophy to theology; theoretical philosophy (ontology and epistemology); theologies of literature and culture; mathematical methods in cryptology; applied mathematics; mechanics; informatics; chaotic processes and their applications; and much more. Outreach efforts invite faculty and postgraduates from PAS faculties of philosophy, theology, human knowledge, the School of Science at Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, and the Pope’s Faculty of Theology. The group will organize seminars and public forums, take part in joint SophiaEuropa symposia, and develop a bulletin devoted to their work. Matching funds are provided by the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences and individual member contributions from the Sophia-Warsaw Group.