Religion and Health in a Local Context Psychology of Religion Research Group

Religion and Health in a Local Context Psychology of Religion Research Group

Center for Psychobiological and Psychosomatic Research
University of Trier
Psychosomatic Clinic, St. Franziska-Stift
Bad Kreuznach

This society aims to promote an innovative dialogue for and between researchers, clinical practitioners, and spiritual caretakers on the impact of religion and spirituality on human behavior and the importance of recognizing the benefit of addressing individual religious belief in the health care field. The society provides outreach to staff and pastoral care workers in the 26 hospitals of the region, inviting their participation in public talks and providing a forum for information and discussion. They hope to provide a means for critical analysis and consideration of the impact of spirituality in health. The society will also build a comprehensive public library to support their work and provide a vital link to contemporary research in the field. Meeting weekly, the core membership representing area institutions will discuss principal issues and current research, plan public events, organize strategies for group discussions in specific locations, and develop presentation materials and bibliographies to support discussion regarding religion and health throughout Germany. Subjects will include broad and updated overviews of issues such as the relationship of belief and mental health, comparison of health care institutions that do and do not consider spirituality in treatment, addressing religion as a factor in the healthcare process, and motives and psycho-social consequences of membership in new religious movements. Members are encouraged to collaborate on research and contribute to current work through publication in both professional and popular media. Matching fund resources are provided by the Psychosomatic Clinic, St. Franziska-Stift.