Richard Dawkins Celebrates Reason, Ridicules Faith. Again

Richard Dawkins Celebrates Reason, Ridicules Faith. Again

Barbara King interviewed evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, a meeting that was suggested by the American arm of the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science in the wake of a February blog post King wrote at 13:7, questioning whether Dawkins was the best choice to be headline speaker at the March 24 Reason Rally in Washington, given that one of its goals was to change negative stereotypes about atheists. King posts a link to the audio, writing:

Among the highlights for me, Dawkins reiterated his well-known stance that evidence-based thinking is the only “respect-worthy” approach to the world. Unapologetic about his willingness to label as “ridiculous” beliefs rooted in faith rather than evidence, he came across as utterly confident in his ability to suss out courageous versus self-deluded ways of thinking. In insisting that he does not insult people who believe in God, only their beliefs, Dawkins tries for a distinction I find problematic …

My steadfast disagreement with Dawkins emerges from his refusal to see that the expression of faith isn’t inevitably a simple-minded approach to living. I’m a big fan of reason. I’m just no fan of the stereotype, embodied by Dawkins, that we atheists equate others’ religious faith with a lack of intelligence or courage, or both.