Science and Spirituality Dimensions

Science and Spirituality Dimensions

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Slovak Physical Society

This society was established by a group of practicing scientists interested in open discussion of science and faith issues and in the search for new answers to profound questions posed by scientific investigation. Stimulated by the activities of existing LSI groups in Slovakia, this group brings a complementary dimension by engaging a scientifically based organization as host, presenting varied religious traditions, and designing specifically planned engagement of science teachers and professionals. The society holds monthly discussions and regular symposia, and it produces publications. This mix of programs allows for participation from both scientists and theologians, considering science and faith from historical to contemporary times. Research into the epistemological processes in both scientific and faith-based inquiry will seek to discover the synergy between scientific and theological knowledge. Other topical considerations include: scientific and religious perspectives on time; causality; cosmological models; concepts of nature; quantum theory; informatics in physics; biology and society; medicine, diagnostics, and healing; human values and purpose; and much more. Outreach extends to social events and public forums throughout the region, designed to reach non-scientific audiences and encourage greater understanding in the public sphere. Group members will also engage area high schools, institutions of higher learning, and religious and civic organizations, providing accessible presentations and discussions. It is expected that the work of the group will act as a catalyst for promoting science-faith research and publication from a wide array of professionals. The best contributions will be offered for television and radio broadcast, with an email list and website complementing outreach efforts. The Slovak Physical Society provides matching funds for this endeavor.