STIC Barcelona

STIC Barcelona

Seminari de Teologia I Ciències (STIC)
Institut de Teologia Fonamental (ITF)

This society, the first in its nation, provides intellectual leadership in the science and religion dialogue for its milieu. Its high-level explorations of questions in physics and biology and their relation to theology provide food for thought not only for local society members but also resources for education across the country…and beyond. Topics of interest to this 17 member society include the idea of a Christian anthropic principle; genetic roots of spirituality; theological implications of the fine tuning of universal constants; the Trinitarian trace in nature; creation and kenotic love; brain, gender, and religious experience; and lots more. The society has held regular group discussion meetings, organized academic courses, developed library holdings, sponsored public lectures, and promoted interdisciplinary collaboration. The group has offered intriguing courses, for instance, “Cosmobioevolution and the Eschatological Role of the Spirit.” They have developed a collaboration with a publisher to release a series of books under the general heading of “Teología y Ciencias.” They hope to continue to do translations of key Anglo-American science and religion texts, with books by Polkinghorne and Peters next on the list. Society members have been supervising three doctoral dissertations on science and religion themes, are engaged in the ongoing development of their website, and their work has been featured in mass media outlets. Matching funds, well beyond the required amount, are provided by the Institut de Teologia Fonamental.