Studio Filosofica Interprovinciale “San Tommaso d’Aquino”

Studio Filosofica Interprovinciale “San Tommaso d’Aquino”

Studio Filosofica Interprovinciale “San Tommaso d’Aquino”

The host institution for this society has been in existence since 2001 on the initiative of the Dominican Friars to offer Dominican students a 3-year course to provide organic knowledge of philosophy, theology, and a deepening of familiarity with specific interdisciplinary issues. The LSI at the Studio Filosofica Interprovinciale “San Tommaso d’Aquino” is a collaborative effort between clergy, Dominican students, laity of the surrounding community, and teachers and scholars in physics, philosophy, theology, bioethics and medical ethics, agricultural science, biology, sociology, political science, and interdisciplinary studies. The program activities include a combination of weekly didactic units, open forums, and group tutorials on topics in “The Issue of Life.” The activities combine scientific and faith perspectives in bioethics, chemical sciences, medicine, anthropology, law, sociology, and cultural anthropology. Considerations on the subjects explored are combined and published in the quarterly Sapienza. Programs are open to anyone in the community wanting to explore these issues. Matching funds are provided by the Studio Filosofica Interprovinciale “San Tommaso d’Aquino.”