Exercise Helps Stave Off Cognitive Decline
In a study published in the journal Neurology of almost 700 people born in 1936, researchers found physically active...
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How Fear Can Skew Spatial Perception
Are you overcome by ophidiophobia when you come across a snake in the wild? As it turns out, the...
Genes and Immune System Shaped By Childhood Poverty, Stress
A University of British Columbia and Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics study has revealed that childhood poverty, stress...
Creativity Closely Entwined With Mental Illness
Creativity is often part of a mental illness, with writers particularly susceptible, according to a study of more than...
Stem Cell Opponents File Appeal With U.S. Supreme Court
It’s been 3 years since the legality of federal funding for research involving human embryonic stem cells (hESC) was...
Singing Mice Show Signs of Learning
Like songbirds and humans, male mice have brain circuits and behaviors they may use to learn some of their...
U.S. Scientists Win Chemistry Nobel
Two U.S. scientists shared the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for learning how cells respond to the world around them,...
Scientists Win Nobel Prize for Stem-Cell Work
John B. Gurdon of the U.K. and Shinya Yamanaka of Japan shared this year’s Nobel Prize in Physiology or...
Dioxin Exposure Has Harmful Effects Across Generations
Washington State University researchers have found that the great-grandchildren of pregnant rats exposed to low doses of dioxin develop...