West Antarctica Warmed Quickly: 20,000 Years Ago
The modern meltdown of the Antarctic Ice Sheet mirrors the frozen continent’s big thaw after the last ice age...
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Buckminster Fuller Institute’s “Dymax Redux”
Seventy years after its invention, the Buckminster Fuller Institute has organized a competition challenging graphic designers, visual artists, and...
101 Top Web Resources on Climate Change
EnvironmentalScienceDegree.com is an enormously helpful platform for anything and everything environmental. Their mission is to help environmentally conscious professionals...
Atlantic Ocean to Disappear in 200 Million Years?
A new map of the seafloor off the coast of Iberia—the region of Europe that includes Portugal and Spain—has...
Earth’s core far hotter than thought
The solid iron core is actually crystalline, surrounded by liquid. But the temperature at which that crystal can form...
Getting to the Bottom of It All
Any kind of underwater diving involves process for that very reason. There’s the early-morning wake-up, the weather check, the...
Lost Land Beneath the Waves
Geological detectives are piecing together an intriguing seafloor puzzle. The Indian Ocean and some of its islands, scientists say,...
Ancient Ice Cores Give Clues to Effects of Global Warming
A new study indicates that the last interglacial period may give us a picture of where the planet is...
Black Hole Collision May Have Irradiated Earth in Eighth Century
A study last year found unusually high levels of the isotope carbon-14 in ancient rings of Japanese cedar trees...
The Oldest Rock in the World Tells Us a Story
It’s hard to imagine how this teeny little rock — it’s not even a whole rock, it’s just a...