Electric Car Breaks 500 Mile Barrier
The arguments against an electric car are growing fewer. A vehicle in development by ECOmove – a consortium of...
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New Biofuel Process Dramatically Improves Energy Recovery
A new biofuel production process created by Michigan State University researchers produces energy more than 20 times higher than...
Spray-On Battery Turns Beer Mug Into Power Source
Rice University researchers have come up with a way to spray-paint a lithium-ion battery onto pretty much any smooth...
Harnessing Human Power for Electricity
From footfalls to button pushes, scientists seek to generate current to power small devices
Appeals Court Upholds EPA Pollution Limits
A U.S. federal court of appeals upheld the right of environmental regulators to curb harmful carbon emissions via clean...
Back-to-the-Future Battery Spells Good News for Energy
Scientists have given a 21st-century makeover to the nickel-iron battery, a gadget conceived by Thomas Edison during the era...
Rio Environment Meeting Focuses On ‘Energy For All’
Diplomats and activists from around the world are meeting in Rio de Janeiro to talk about how the planet’s...