How to Freak Out a Foodie
“Why hyperdecant?” Myhrvold asked the audience in a plenary lecture here on Saturday at the annual meeting of AAAS...
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Science and the Fight Against Hunger
Although the world produces enough food to feed everyone, two million children die of malnutrition every year. Food insecurity...
Evidence Shows Starvation Did Not Cause Saber-Tooth Cat Extinction
In the period just before they went extinct, the American lions and saber-toothed cats that roamed North America in...
Worms Beat Beef As Sustainable Protein
Forget beef or even milk. If you’re looking for a sustainable and substantial source of protein, mealworms may be...
World Population Living Longer but With More Disability
The health of most of the planet’s population is rapidly coming to resemble that of the United States, where...
New Study Reveals Overeating Larger Problem Than Malnourishment
For the first time in history, a study shows that the number of years of healthy living lost because...
Holy Cow! First Cheesemakers Date Back 7,500 Years
The first direct signs of cheesemaking now seen in potsherds from Poland may help reveal how animal milk dramatically...
The Transporter: Cloud Banks Carry Mercury
The towering redwood forests along California’s coast are known for the clammy fog that rolls in from the ocean...
Pesticides in Tap Water Linked to Food Allergies
As food allergies become increasingly common, a new study offers the first proof that they may be linked to...
5 Charts About Climate Change That Should Have You Very, Very Worried
Two major organizations released climate change reports this month warning of doom and gloom if we stick to our...