Morality at the Planck Scale: A Chat with Stuart Hameroff
Part of an ongoing discussion with serious thinkers about life, the universe, and everything.
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When Reality is Real: An Interview with Antony Valentini
What is so unusual about Antony Valentini? Just this: he's resurrected a theory that undoes the central tenet of...
The Feast of the Elements
Might it be our time in history to begin honoring the birth of the elements?
An Interview With Sherrilyn Roush
Sherrilyn Roush, an assistant professor of philosophy at Rice University, takes on the philosophy of science, epistemology, and metaphysics....
Emergent Relativity
The incompatibility of relativity and quantum mechanics is of great interest, particularly in light of recent advances in string...
From Thought Experiments to Quantum Information
For the first time it is feasible to suggest that we could follow quantum weirdness as far as everyday...
Quantum Gravity as an Ordinary Gauge Theory
In order to get a consistent picture of nature we need to use quantum mechanics to describe the geometry...
Information at the Quantum-Classical Frontier
Find out more about how quantum computing might be done.
Measurement and the Quantum-Classical Transition
As a theoretical physicist, one would really like to elucidate the mathematical structure of this transition and to identify...