Crocodile Jaws More Sensitive Than Human Fingertips
They may be lethal, leathery, and literally armored to the teeth, but crocodiles and alligators, it turns out, are...
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Humans, Chimpanzees and Monkeys Share DNA, Not Gene Regulation
Humans share over 90% of their DNA with their primate cousins. The expression or activity patterns of genes differ...
Genomics: The Single Life
Sequencing DNA from individual cells is changing the way that researchers think of humans as a whole.
The Real Question: Who Didn’t Have Sex With Neanderthals?
The only modern humans whose ancestors did not interbreed with Neanderthals are apparently sub-Saharan Africans, researchers say. New findings,...
They Outlived Dinosaurs and Are Evolving Faster Than Ever
British scientists today unveiled the world’s first family tree for all living birds – revealing that the group of...
Animals Focus Smell as Well as Vision
Animals can focus their sense of smell in much the same way as humans focus their eyes, helping them...
If Smart Is the Norm, Stupidity Gets More Interesting
Few of us are as smart as we’d like to be. You’re sharper than Jim (maybe) but dull next...
Far From Random, Evolution Follows a Predictable Genetic Pattern
Evolution, often perceived as a series of random changes, might in fact be driven by a simple and repeated...
Dinosaur Feathers Evolved for Courtship
Research suggests that not only did wings evolve in dinosaurs earlier than previously thought, they may have evolved merely...
Novel Gene Therapy Method Replaces Mitochondrial DNA
Scientists have demonstrated a new type of gene therapy that would – in principle – allow mothers to avoid...