Quantum Computing Could Head to ‘the Cloud’
The search for the perfect alliance between science and technology has married quantum computing to the future of IT...
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Breakthrough Exponentially Expands Data Storage
For years, the limiting factor of increasing computational power has been how much electronic circuitry manufacturers can cram onto...
Interactive Tools to Assess the Likelihood of Death
To help prevent overtesting and overtreatment of older patients — or undertreatment for those who remain robust at advanced...
Where Astronomy Meets Data
Brian P. Schmidt, 2011 Nobel Physics Prize winner, discusses his SkyMapper project, which is currently scanning the southern sky...
Oracles Past and Present: Our Means of Managing Information
Our ability to find and share information today is potentially limitless. But how did we get here? From cave...
Science, Semiotics and the Sacred
An ontology and epistemology that looks only to materialism and reductionism for its explanations of phenomena will have a...
The Epistemology of Testimony
If the role of testimony in knowledge is so vast, why is its role in the history of epistemology...