Physicists Measure Photonic Interactions at the Atomic Level
By measuring the unique properties of light on the scale of a single atom, researchers from Duke University and...
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The Best Apps for Teaching Kids Math and Science
Kids love smartphones and tablets, and that makes the devices great tools for learning math and science. Apps for...
Introducing Concepts of Moral Math
“Moral Math” refers to the study of ideas drawn from mathematics which can positively impact moral decision-making and social...
Quantum Processor Factors Prime Number
Researchers at UC Santa Barbara have built a quantum processor that can factor a composite number – in this...
The Sun Is the Most Perfect Natural Sphere
Scientists measuring the sun were shocked to find it’s the most perfectly round natural object in the universe. Until...
Mysterious Black Hole Type Perplexes, Bewilders
Billions of times the mass of our own sun, so-called massive black holes present a baffling mystery with clues...
Higgs Boson Results From LHC ‘Get Even Stronger’
The Higgs boson-like particle whose discovery was announced on 4 July looks significantly more certain to exist. The particle...
Is Algebra Necessary?
A typical American school day finds some six million high school students and two million college freshmen struggling with...
What Sally Ride Did For STEM Education
From the editors at SciAm: Sally Ride, the first American woman in space, died on July 23 of pancreatic...
Rethinking Modern Human Origins
It’s assumed that modern humans, Homo sapiens, originated in Africa sometime between 200,000 and 100,000 years ago. But paleoanthropologist...