Overpopulation Is Not the Problem
The only limits to creating a planet that future generations will be proud of are our imaginations and our...
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The Most Important Day of the 21st Century
One day, sometime around the middle of this century, during the lifetime of people now alive, the population of...
The Great Fall: World Population to Stop Growing in 2050
Global population data spanning the years from 1900 to 2010 have enabled a research team from the Autonomous University...
Just in Time for the Holidays: Endangered Species Condoms
The next time you think about having sex without birth control, The Center for Biological Diversity wants to make...
Latin Americans Rank as Happiest People on Planet
A poll of nearly 150,000 people around the world says seven of the world’s 10 countries with the most...
World Population Living Longer but With More Disability
The health of most of the planet’s population is rapidly coming to resemble that of the United States, where...
5 Charts About Climate Change That Should Have You Very, Very Worried
Two major organizations released climate change reports this month warning of doom and gloom if we stick to our...