What Happened Before the Big Bang?
What existed before the big bang? What is the nature of time? Is our universe one of many? On...
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Mysterious Galaxy Possibly Made of Dark Matter
A team of astronomers has identified a new galaxy that may be made completely of dark matter, the second...
An Otherworldly Discovery: Billions of Other Planets
Astronomers have determined that each of the 100 billion stars in the Milky Way probably has at least one...
‘El Gordo’ is Largest Distant Galaxy Cluster Ever Seen
Galaxy clusters are the largest stable structures in our Universe. Seven billion light years away and with two million...
Star Birth (and Murder) Spied in Cygnus X
Baby stars don’t get an easy ride during their early years; they are born into stellar nurseries bubbling with...
Hubble Spots Farthest Primordial Galaxy Cluster
Astronomers have discovered the most distant developing galaxy cluster known to date, shedding light on the formation of large-scale...
Searching for Goldilocks
At least four times in the last few years, astronomers have announced they have found planets orbiting other stars...
Blinged-Out Stars Were Born Rich
At first glance, CS 22892-052 looks like a run-of-the-mill old star. Born about 13 billion years ago, only 700...
How the Cosmic Fog Cleared
Two studies shed additional light on a murky question: How did the cosmic fog that enveloped the universe in...
The First Direct Image of a Baby Planet Being Born! (Maybe!) (But Probably!)
Astronomers may have, for the first time, directly imaged a planet still in the process of formation, gathering material...