The Future Is Ours
This short video by Michael Marantz presents an optimistic and heroic vision of our future.
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Mayas Prophesized, but Not End of World
As the clock winds down to December 21, experts on the Mayan calendar have been racing to convince people...
Warp Drive May Be More Feasible Than Thought
A warp drive to achieve faster-than-light travel — a concept popularized in television’s Star Trek — may not be...
Envisioning a Civilization Recovery Plan
What knowledge of science, culture and civilization would you most want to pass on to the surviving humans as...
Will We Be the First Martians?
People have dreamed of colonizing the Red Planet for more than a century. USA Today takes a look at...
After 35 Years, Voyager Nears Edge Of Solar System
The Voyager 1 spacecraft’s 35th anniversary is proving to be unexpectedly exciting, as scientists gathered to examine new hints...
Nuclear-Powered LEDs Could Provide Food for Future Space Colonies
With the successful landing and deployment of the Mars Curiosity Rover, humanity has been treated to a sneak peek...
Five Obstacles to Landing People on Mars
Getting a six-wheeled car-size rover safely onto the surface of the red planet? Daunting, sure. But NASA did it...
Giant Dying Star Caught Devouring Alien Planet
A swollen star near the end if its life has been caught devouring one of its own planets —...
Want to Live on Mars? Here’s Your Chance
Just as NASA’s latest rover prepares to land on the surface of Mars, one Dutch company is looking to...