Through Faith We Understand

Through Faith We Understand

Samara Academy of Humanities

This society has its roots in a group formed at the Samara Orthodox Spiritual Seminary in 1995 for the purpose of examining the relationships between Christianity and science, past and present, and to explore the possibilities for these relationships in the future. Activities include: (1) weekly discussions and debates on a variety of topics related to scientific achievements and their influence on various worldviews; (2) an annual conference on Christianity and Science at the regional, national, or international level; (3) research on the theme of “Philosophical and Religious Aspects of Mathematics and Natural Sciences;” (4) publishing books, brochures, and articles in the popular media; (5) lectures at secondary schools, at the university level, and for adult education programs; (6) broadcast programs for television and radio; and, (7) a website for disseminating information on the science and religion dialogue. With an emphasis on Orthodox theology and pedagogy, this group engages technology, the social sciences and natural sciences. Matching funds are provided by the Samara Academy of Humanities.