Towards Reconciliation of Religion with Science

Towards Reconciliation of Religion with Science

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Trnava University

Comprised of faculty of Theological Institute, philosophy and science faculty at Trnava University and the Slovak Academy of Science, this society has been working together for several years. The group holds regular meetings to explore, discuss and contribute to individual activities. Topical focus explores the areas of physics, astronomy, biology, philosophy, theology, and more. Support for this dialogue society is provided by the university, in part, in the form of release time for organizers and through full administration and office support for the organizational and outreach activities of the group. The society augments its conversations by inviting scholars and researchers from neighboring countries to participate in society meetings. All meetings and conferences are open to the public, particularly local students, and publicized throughout the community. Plans include further promotion of the activities of the group to bring additional scholars, students, and interested laypersons into dialogue, via specifically focused lectures and broadly distributed publication of proceedings. Matching funds are provided by the Theological faculty of Trnava University.