Neil deGrasse Tyson on Politics, New Frontiers, and Science Evangelism

Neil deGrasse Tyson on Politics, New Frontiers, and Science Evangelism

Neil deGrasse Tyson, a science crusader and regular guest on “The Daily Show” and other outlets, has a brand-new book out that tackles some of America’s profound space questions. “Space Chronicles: Facing the Ultimate Frontier” is a collection of essays, a few of which have already appeared in other publications. It also includes selected tweets culled from Tyson’s enormously popular Twitter feed. So if you’re a devoted Tyson follower, some of it will feel familiar. What is noticeably different is his tone — there’s less gee-whizzery, science-is-amazing wonder, and more geopolitics and policy. Tyson said he wanted to combine his experience in government, research science, education and space evangelism, which he says gives him a unique perspective on each.

Popular Science talked with Tyson about “Space Chronicles,” remaking “Cosmos” on Fox, and how to make policymakers realize the importance — and awesomeness — of science.