Quantum Vacuum Energy
Contemporary physics posits an all-pervasive energetic field called "quantum vacuum energy," or zero-point energy, a random, ambient fluctuating energy...
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Christian Suburban Housewife Scientist
Several recent thought-provoking papers from the Future Visions group have inspired me to offer some thoughts from a "female...
Science and the Quest for Cosmic Purpose
Traditionally most religions led us to believe that the universe is inherently meaningful, thus giving humans a sense of...
Review of “Religion and Scientific Naturalism”
The process metaphysics David Ray Griffin endorses supposes that the avenues for overcoming conflicts between science and religion are...
Education for Collaboration
We must learn how to become cooperative problem solvers to avoid the ecological and social self-destruction toward which we...
Human Creativity Revisited
Responding to Michael Ruse's thoughtful response to my essays on "Human Creativity: Accelerating Complexity and Evolutionary Discontinuity" and his...
Review of Paul Brockelman’s “Cosmology and Creation”
He constructs a cosmology nucleated on big-bang cosmology.
Konrad Lorenz, National Socialism, and Epistemology
You can separate out the context of discovery from the context of justification, but anyone who studies real science...
Review of Jeffery Sobosan’s “Romancing the Universe”
Review of Jeffery G. Sobosan, Romancing the Universe: Theology, Science, and Cosmology (William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids,...