Warming, Melting Sea Ice Threaten Antarctic’s Emperor Penguins
The Emperor penguin’s future is looking bleak if global temperatures continue to rise and melt sea ice, scientists have...
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Ancient Antarctica Was Warm Enough for Vegetation
Ancient Antarctica was much warmer and wetter than previously suspected, a new study has found. The climate was suitable...
You Owe Your Life to Rock
Thank goodness for granite. If not for the formation and subsequent erosion of large quantities of metal-rich granite on...
Analysis of Global Fire Risk Shows Big, Fast Changes Ahead
Climate change is widely expected to disrupt future fire patterns around the world, with some regions, such as the...
Pollution Makes Carnivorous Plants Go Vegetarian
The common sundew drosera rotundifolia grows in rain-fed bogs across much of northern Europe. These habitats have few nutrients,...
Nations at Odds on Rio+20 Earth Summit
The final round of negotiations leading up to next week’s Rio+20 summit begins with countries very much at odds...
Human Fingerprints on Ocean Warming Detected
Natural fluctuations alone do not explain warming in the upper layers of the planet’s oceans, confirms a new computer...
Maybe a Cosmic Impact Wiped Out Mammoths After All
A study of rocks in Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Syria provides powerful support for the theory that a major...
Rio+20 Earth Summit: Leaked Draft Reveals Conflict Among Countries
The latest draft text that 180 governments are expected to sign up to at the end of the Rio+20...
Astonishing Algal Bloom Found in Arctic
NASA scientists say they’ve made a discovery in the Arctic Ocean ‘as dramatic and unexpected as finding a rainforest...