Antarctic Ice Shelf at Tipping Point
British and American scientists have discovered a previously unknown sub-glacial basin nearly the size of New Jersey beneath the...
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Hansen: Game Over for the Climate
Global warming isn’t a prediction. It is happening. That is why it was so troubling to read a recent...
Peopling the Planet
Not long ago, the story was simple. A vanguard of modern humans left their African birthplace 50,000–60,000 years ago...
Dinosaur Gases Warmed the Earth
Giant dinosaurs could have warmed the planet with their flatulence, researchers said. British scientists have calculated the methane output...
An Underground Fossil Forest Offers Clues on Climate Change
In the clammy depths of a southern Illinois coal mine lies the largest fossil forest ever discovered, at least...
Keeping an Eye on Earth Is Getting Harder
The ability of U.S. scientists to monitor changes in the planet’s climate, natural hazards, and land surface continues to...
Melting Glaciers Liberate Ancient Microbes
Locked in frozen vaults on Antarctica and Greenland, a lost world of ancient creatures awaits another chance at life....
Greenland Ice Sheet Speeds Slide into the Ocean
The Greenland Ice Sheet is accelerating in its slide into the ocean, like snow sliding off a roof on...
What Triggers a Mass Extinction?
The second-largest mass extinction in Earth’s history coincided with a short but intense ice age during which enormous glaciers...
Melting Antarctic Permafrost Drove Ancient Global Warming
Fifty-five million years ago, the world abruptly warmed by a scorching 5 degrees Celsius, the oceans turned acidic, and...