Why Curiosity Matters
Adam Steltzner is a rocker-turned-NASA engineer who helped take the country’s cool new Curiosity rover to the surface of...
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Global Climate Revenues Fall 5 Percent in 2011
Global climate revenues fell 5 percent in 2011 to $539 billion from an all-time high the previous year, mainly...
Race Is On as Ice Melt Reveals Arctic Treasures
With Arctic ice melting at record pace, the world’s superpowers are increasingly jockeying for political influence and economic position...
Tax Cuts for the Rich Do Not Spur Economic Growth
There is no clear correlation between tax cuts for high earners and economic growth, according to a new study...
Scientists Offer New Formula to Predict Career Success
First there was the “impact factor.” Then came the “h-index.” Now, for those who believe that scientific prowess can...
The Rush to Exploit an Increasingly Ice-Free Arctic
Every time a new sea ice extent record for Arctic melting is broken, the same question comes up: how...
Do You Know Your Toddler’s “Slave Footprint”?
A toddler’s “slave footprint” – how much forced labor in the global human trafficking economy is used to produce...
Is There Enough Wind to Power Global Energy Demand?
There is enough energy available in winds to meet all of the world’s demand. Atmospheric turbines that convert steadier...
Poll: Company Profits Unaffected by Climate Change Laws
Almost 50 percent of global investors in a survey said government efforts to combat climate change will have little...