Review of Evolution’s Workshop by Edward J. Larson
Evolutionists and clergymen are fallible; they perceive their data or their God as through a glass darkly; yet their...
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Review of David Ray Griffin’s “Religion & Scientific Naturalism”
Review of: RELIGION AND SCIENTIFIC NATURALISM, OVERCOMING THE CONFLICTS, by David Ray Griffin. Albany, New York: State University of New...
God and the Galapagos?
Metanexus: Views 2001.08.27. 4419 words Today, Dr. Edward J. Larson, who won a Pulitzer Prize for his book __Summerfor...
A Primer on Human Embryonic Stem Cells
Metanexus VIEWS 2001.08.16. 2473 words Below is “A Primer on Human Embryonic Stem Cells” written by Scott Gilbert, a...
Preface – Paths from Science towards God: The End of all Our Exploring
“We shall not cease from explorationAnd the end of all our exploringWill be to arrive where we startedAnd know...
Multiplying NonZero: Review of Robert Wright’s “Nonzero”
In day-to-day life, there all kinds of non-zero-sum games that people play. Robert Wright sees this as "the secret...
Science and Scientism in Huston Smith’s “Why Religion Matters”
I have been deeply indebted to Huston Smith over the years for his books and films, which I have...
Book Review: Robert Rosen’s “Life Itself”
Review of Robert Rosen’s book Life Itself by Sarah Voss About half a year ago a book called Life...
Is Philosophy Useless? The Case of Human Cloning
Suppose you are a potato grower and you have a big contract to supply McDonald’s with prepared french fries. ...
Nonzero: The Logic of Human Destiny
Does the history of our species show any evidence of higher purpose?