Review of Michael Dowd’s “Thank God For Evolution!”
The book is a genre bender—mixing inspirational science writing, theological reflection, biblical interpretation, and self-improvement manual into a sometimes...
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The Case of the Missing Book: Setting the Record Straight on William Dembski, the Templeton Foundation, and Intelligent Design
A February 27, 2007 posting on Wikipedia by Joseph C. Campana with ResearchID.org suggests that “Media Misreports Intelligent Design...
Classics Corner: Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
Posthumously published in 1779, Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion is a philosophical work written by the Scottish philosopher David Hume....
Conversation with John Haught on Evolution, Intelligent Design, and the Recent Dover Trial
The trial was the first to explicitly consider the presentation of intelligent design in U.S. public schools. John Haught...
Vedic Creationism in America, by Meera Nanda
Metanexus Bios. 1,862 Words. モDarwin is under attack in America yet again. Exactly eighty years since the Scopes モmonkey...
Field Analysis on Competitive Dynamics and Cultural Evolution of Religions and God Concepts
Metanexus Bios. 6,167 Words. “The sudden emergences of the kingdom of God are like seeing God in the fluids...
The Future of Evolution
The evolution of the universe and the evolution of science can be described in the same language as the...
Review of Richard Dawkins’ “A Devil’s Chaplain”
For Juliet: Review of A Devil’s Chaplain by Richard Dawkins (2003), NY: Houghton Mifflin. Whether in short essays or...
Ellis acceptance of the Templeton Prize, March 17, 2004
STATEMENT BY GEORGE F. R. ELLIS At The Templeton Prize News Conference, March 17, 2004 I am simultaneously humbled...
The Concealed God of Science
If God is everywhere, then why is God so hard to perceive? One could imagine a God more like...