How to go to Heaven or How the Heavens go? Part 2 of 2
Metanexus Sophia. 2004_02_19. 5380 Words. Below is part two of the two-part essay by Dhruv Raina from the Zakir...
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Review of Clayton’s “God and Contemporary Science”
Philip Clayton seeks ways to resolve the apparent conflict experienced when reading scripture and studying natural history. How can...
Somewhere Over the Rainbow: Seeking Hope in the Far Future
In "The Far Future Universe," George Ellis poses an overarching question: "Will human life and all intelligence inevitably come...
From Science to God
Metanexus: Views 2003.03.31. 3375 words The earliest religions, remarks today’s columnist Peter Russell, probablydate back to the time when...
From Science to God 4-5
“My studies in experimental psychology had taught me much about neurophysiology, memory, behavior, and perception. Yet, despite all that...
From Science to God
Peter Russell’s book, From Science to God: The Mystery of Consciousness and the Meaning of Light. Russell, M.A., D.C.S.,...
From Science to God
Peter Russell’s book, From Science to God: The Mystery of Consciousness and the Meaning of Light. Russell, M.A., D.C.S.,...
Gaps in Scientific & Religious Education
Presently, way too much of the science and religion discussion could be summed up in the "X-Files" slogan, "Trust...
Created to Be Creators
From the Metanexus lecture series “By Nature Creators: Coming to Terms with Human Nature” I. Created to be Creators...
By the Waters of Naturalism, Part 1/4
Excerpts from the book By the Waters of Naturalism: Theology Perplexed Among the Sciences (Eugene, Oregon, Wipf and Stock...