The End of Education: The Fragmentation of the American University
We do not have to sacrifice training in research in order to provide our students with a liberal education,...
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Reflections on Key Books and Publications
The Explanation of Behavior. (Routledge and Paul Kegan, 1964)This was my doctoral dissertation. It was an all-out attack on...
Spirit and Creation
1. Introduction “No primary Christian doctrine has been left so undeveloped dogmatically”, yet “the Bible is the Book of...
The Mystical Formation of Paul Tillich
Examining how Paul Tillich’s life experiences encouraged him to valorize mysticism and to construe the mystical in the manner...
The Varieties of Mystical Experience: Paul Tillich and William James
Paul Tillich and William James both offer rich resources for thinking about mysticism, religious faith, the nature of the...
Feeding the Zest for Life: Spiritual Energy Resources for the Future of Humanity, by Ursula King
Metanexus Sophia. 5,491 Words Will questions of spiritual development one day become an integral part of our efforts to...
Self-Organizing Systems and Final Causality, by Joseph A. Bracken
For most life scientists, the processes of evolution are essentially mechanistic–they operate without allowing for any ideas of causality...
Reductionism and Holism: Two Sides of the Perception of Reality
Reductionism as Philosophy Reductionism is a philosophical tenet which states that by analyzing a system to its ultimate component...
A Dialogue on the Science and Religion Dialogue: William Schweiker and Eric Weislogel
“In true dialogue,” writes Vietnamese monk, activist and author, Thich Nhat Hanh, “both sides are willing to change.” In...